Trading & shipping - collaboration hub
At bp, we are always exploring new collaborations to help us solve pressing business challenges. And collaboration is critical to bp's strategy as we help power our move to sustainable energies for the planet.
bp trading & shipping (T&S) is one of the world’s leading energy trading houses. Our traders work with our partners to buy, sell and move energy, integrating our products and services to provide energy solutions for 12,000 customers in 140 countries. To learn more about this part of bp's business, click here.
If your organisation has a technology that could help with our focus areas below, apply now!
Technology themes
Low carbon solutions
As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the impact of carbon emissions on the environment, bp are seeking new innovative solutions to further enhance our capabilities across low carbon trading and carbon removal markets.
Digital & AI
Our trading analytics team are continuously seeking the latest technology innovation to help solve challenging commercial problems including complex modelling, enhanced weather forecasting capabilities, AI, Predictive Analytics, Anomaly Detection, and automated decision making.
Ecosystem partnerships
Our Innovation team are always on the lookout for exciting ecosystem partnerships opportunities and disruptive technology that could revolutionise our industry.
Advanced risk management
In an increasingly complex and dynamic market, bp requires best in class risk management capability with the need to be at the forefront of market changes including Regulatory, Economic, Geopolitical and market volatility.
Shipping is a key enabler in the commodity industry and with one of the worlds most comprehensive marine networks we are always interested in innovation to make our operations safer, lower emissions and more efficient.
Our trading & shipping campaigns
Hull cleaning
To comply with the biofouling requirements by some Regulators, marine vessels must arrive at ports with “a clean hull”, meaning no biofouling or live organisms being present on the hull and niche areas. To solve for this challenge, bp's Shipping team are searching for solutions to prevent biofouling accumulation and settlement in these areas, that would remove the need for periodical cleaning with divers while vessels are in service.
Trading & shipping innovations
At bp trading and shipping, we are always exploring new technologies that are vital for driving innovation. If your organisation has a technology that could help accelerate or differentiate bp's trading and shipping organisation, apply now!

Frequently asked questions about the activity.
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